Monday, August 24, 2015

Fancy Adjectives

One of my mom's favorite stories from the trip was from Dormy house, and I thought I would share it with you. After happily consuming an elegant, gourmet, way-too-fancy dinner, the waiter (dressed very properly) inquired how we liked our meal. I smiled, and in my most proper voice informed him it was "quite amazeballs". 

This was apparently hilarious to everyone involved-- I am still firm on my belief that it was a perfectly acceptable use of the term. I just uncovered a list I started working on for other acceptable terms for our gourmet meals. Feel free to use these next time you are enjoying a five star meal-- the list is pretty comprehensive and certifiably amazeballs.

With love from Claremont,

Fancy Adjectives

  • Amazeballs
  • The bomb diggity
  • Ridonkulous
  • Fantabulous
  • Fergielicious
  • The cats meow
  • Awesome sauce
  • Neato burrito
  • Dope
  • Swagalicious
  • Crack-a-lackin
  • Epic
  • Badass
  • totally rad
  • sweet!
  • totes amaze (totally amazing)

Monday, August 3, 2015

I learned a new knitting technique!! (Also, our current hotel is a castle)

Mom (Marci) thinks I should be talking more about the trip and less about my knitting, because, you know, this is a travel blog.

So here is a list of top five blog-worthy moments from the past few days:

1. Our current hotel is a castle!
I am not kidding. I am not even exaggerating, it is a literal, actual, stone built and WiFi enabled castle.

I guess it’s pretty nice.

2. I had grilled lamb liver for breakfast.

...I was not a fan.

3. We visited a gorgeously scenic cliff site complete with hiking trails and castle ruins.

4. This place, the Dromoland castle, also hosts weddings. So my fairytale castle wedding could actually happen. But I couldn’t get that excited about it because…

5. I learned magic loop knitting!

I don’t think you understand how amazingly awesome this is for me. You don’t even know. This eliminates my need for double pointed needles entirely. I don’t even need to use two circular needles anymore for small projects. This method of knitting will allow any diameter of… wait, where are you going? This could possibly be the most exciting activity from this entire vacation!!

Fine then. Here's a picture of our family looking happy on our final night's boating adventure:

With love from Dromoland Castle, Ireland,



Made it home safely.

I was really upset that the vacation was over, and I was angry and sad and hurting. Then I realized I hadn't slept in about 20 hours, so I went to my nice cozy bed and collapsed into sleep. I'm feeling better this morning, but I am truly sad to be finished with the incredible, awe-inspiring, unexplainable, extraordinary vacation.

To the best mother I could ever imagine-- I am forever grateful for the travel opportunities and our incredible adventures. Happy 50th-- here's to countless more amazeballs experiences!

With love from San Rafael, CA,

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Seven Stages of my Cooking Class Experience

The Seven Stages of my Cooking Class Experience 

from the Isle of Skye, Scotland
July 21, 2015

1.  Fascination

2.  Hunger

3. Tasting

4. Boredom

5. Knitting (in the next room)

6. Indifference

7. Deliciousness

With love from the Isle of Skye, Scotland,

Friday, July 31, 2015

#tbt O2 Arena

I never ended up posting this (it's from the beginning of the trip). This was from the OArena in London when we surprised my mom and went to see a live concert of John Legend.

We arrived early at the O2 and were able to have some time to wander around the giant O2 stadium before the show began. Here are the highlights of out two hours pre-show at the O2:

This sign
 (No idea what it means. I’ve been trying to be more dog. I can’t. I just don’t know how!!)

I was able to legally sit at the bar for the first time in my life
Since the drinking age is 18, I could legally sit at the bar and drink alcohol. It was a great feeling. Of course, I just needed a place to knit.

The high stools are not ideal when you lose your ball of yarn
The Nissan Experience:
It was a huge advertisement pretending to be an “interactive gaming experience”. I was not happy about this. I do not like when companies or advertisers pretend to be something else. It’s why I hate seeing those little “promoted by” tags on Pinterest posts or Buzzfeed articles. I’m not sure why I hate it so much, but it’s a huge pet peeve of mine.
            Anyway, my mom and I went and did the exhibit thing. It was kind of fun. I enjoyed the coloring books:
Name: Intergalactic Superstar McAwesomeville

Question: When do you think electric cars will become more popular than petrol cars? My answer: When the gerbils take over humankind
Can you color in the Nissan LEAF? What colour do you think cars will be in the future? Me: They will be invisible.
Can you spot the 7 differences in the pictures below? Me: NO

With love from the OArena,

Rebecca “Rivi” Dollinger

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Little Known Fact

The Scottish unicorn and one legged hawk are actually bitter enemies, and sincerely loath having to pose together for tapestry art

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My Day in Lists: Armadale Castle

Why the Armadale Castle (Isle of Skye, Scotland) Would Make a Terrible Location for my Future Destination Wedding


1. The weather is dreary, depressing, and annoying.

2. I will not accept whiskey as part of my open bar. My drinks will be classy and sweet and unique. Probably from Pinterest drink cookbooks and served in shot glasses shaped like mason jars with little edible flowers floating in them and biodegradable purple straws.

3. The castle is a pathetic frame of what the ruins used to contain. Honestly, I've seen better backdrops/sets from the JCHS drama department. Shoutout to Joe McDonald, Dylan Russell, and the Jewish Community High School of the Bay. Come on ancient castle builders. You're being upstaged by 14 year olds with glue guns. Step up.